Introduction to Social Networking Page 2

Introduction to Social Networking Page 2

What are the most important steps in implementing a social media strategy? Influencer marketing refers to tactics and strategies that are intended to influence the influencers. Influencers are people in media who can review and promote whichever bands, artists, events, etc. that they find appealing. Centers of influence are media outlets and prominent media figures that have clout with the audience. Identifying online centers of influence and utilizing influencer marketing tactics will help to build…

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Introduction to Social Networking Page 1

Introduction to Social Networking Page 1

What is social networking and why is it important for bands? Social networks are Internet based social groups that are tied together by shared interests, values, beliefs, etc. Traditional social networking had more to do with building synergistic relationships with people in the industry. Modern social networks help like-minded people share ideas, art, humor, etc. Social networks provide a way for musicians to connect with their audience. Rules for Social Networking Social networking gives musicians…

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