Private Label Rights Articles

Private Label Rights Articles
Private label rights articles are written by professional writers and then sold to multiple media sources. These articles range in price from around a dollar to as high as one-hundred dollars and are often used as drafts to create content for a variety of subjects. Consider the use of these articles only under the condition that you are the first to publish the article online. This will provide you with a source of original content at an extremely low price. Web sites such as can be utilized to generate drafts that can be used to build articles. These articles can provide a framework for you to improve upon so that you can expedite the content creation process. You will then send out these articles to article aggregators. If you can get a single article in a major publication such as Time magazine, Newsweek, The New York Times, etc., it will significantly increase your mindshare. To improve the likelihood of getting articles into periodicals, send articles directly to media outlets in addition to article aggregators.

By Jack Johnston, MA TESOL, MBA, MSML

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